About Me
I created this web site as as nothing more than a way for me to catalouge my favorite recipes.
I kind of had an idea of where I wanted the site to go, but I didn't realize how important this site would become to me and what it would grow into.
In a way, this site is a reflection of me, of my journey.
My Wife is a Lovely Creature
My wife, Natalie, is a lovely creature. She really loves cats, and is a huge sports fan. Our favorite player is LeBron James, but she tends to like the underdog players, such as Anderson Varejao.
I proposed marriage to her in Key West, Florida, at a quaint nature trail. That was fun!
When I first started this site, I was nearing 200 pounds. I never saw myself as a 200 pound person. Something had to give.
Fast forward a few years, I found myself getting interested in long distance running. And look what it bloomed into, I've been a runner of marathons. Here is my happy face!
We Want You
Your feedback and comments are cool. Please comment on any article. Your questions and comments help me to improve the quality of my articles.
A Band of One
FreeKB is my brainchild. I am located in the USA. I love to learn new things - I think brains are pretty cool, especially when put to good use.
While it is no surprise that I love computers and technology, I actually have a variety of interests. I really enjoy music. - Jeremy Canfield