Bootstrap FreeKB - About Me

About Me


I created this web site as as nothing more than a way for me to catalouge my favorite recipes.

I kind of had an idea of where I wanted the site to go, but I didn't realize how important this site would become to me and what it would grow into.

In a way, this site is a reflection of me, of my journey.

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Mah Lady

My Wife is a Lovely Creature

My wife, Natalie, is a lovely creature. She really loves cats, and is a huge sports fan. Our favorite player is LeBron James, but she tends to like the underdog players, such as Anderson Varejao.

I proposed marriage to her in Key West, Florida, at a quaint nature trail. That was fun!

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When I first started this site, I was nearing 200 pounds. I never saw myself as a 200 pound person. Something had to give.

Fast forward a few years, I found myself getting interested in long distance running. And look what it bloomed into, I've been a runner of marathons. Here is my happy face!

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